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How Cat’s Eye Road Stud Works

Cat’s eye road stud is a kind of reflective road stud, can be very effective in improving the safety of night road driving, avoiding traffic accidents such as hitting the guardrail at night.

It utilizes the working principle ofabsorbing light energy during the daystoring light energyreleasing light energy at night, storing the light energy of natural light or automobile lights, and actively releasing light energy for up to 12 hours at night, in rain and fog, and other low-light environments. It can distinguish the road outline of the lane for the driver in low-light environment and improve the safety index of lane driving.

What is a cat's eye road stud?

The cat’s eye road stud reflects the light from headlights 360 degrees at night through a reflector that looks like a raisedglowing ball, much like a cat’s eye, hence the name cat’s eye road stud.

It originated as a common name for road reflectors in the UK, and in the United States and other countries it is also known asreflective road studsorroad reflectors. In the United States and other countries, it is also calledreflective road studsorroad reflectors.

Advantages of cat's eye road studs over ordinary road studs

1.Cat’s eye road stud the darker the sky, the stronger the reflection, all-weather spotlight reflection.

1.Cat’s eye road stud has 360-degree symmetry and retro-reflective properties, reflective area is twice as high as that of traditional road studs.

2.Cat’s eye road stud has 360-degree symmetry and retro-reflective properties, reflective area is twice as high as that of traditional road studs.

3.Cat’s eye road stud does not affect reflective performance due to road curvature.

4.Cat’s eye road stud has a service life of at least 5 years.

5.Cat’s eye road studs have high compression strength and are not as angular as ordinary road studs, so they are not easy to damage tires.

Explanation: The phenomenon of retro-reflection refers to the phenomenon in road safety facilities where light is refracted and concentrated through the sphere of a road stud and then reflected back to the driver’s eye by the reflector at the base of the stud.

Installation of cat's eye road stud

Cat’s eye road stud is generally installed in the road edge line, central isolation zone or intersection, flat as a round transparent glass body, buried in the road surface part of the lower end of the diameter of eight centimeters on the upper end of the diameter of ten centimeters and the thickness of about two centimeters and a half of the disc base, the middle of the protruding part of the semicircular sphere with a diameter of six centimeters and a height of about two centimeters.

Installs road studs

According to the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) it states that profile markers should be placed at 50-foot intervals, click here for details. For high traffic areas such as freeways or freeway exits, the MUTCD recommends a denser spacing arrangement of roadway spikes.

In short, cat’s eye road studs are like cat’s eyes glowing in the dark at night, making them an excellent guide light for vehicles traveling at night in low light conditions.

If you would like to find out more about Longlow‘s road safety equipment solutions, whether it’s a cat’s eye road stud, reflective road stud or traffic safety device, fill out the form below today.

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